Saturday, February 16, 2008

February 16 - Michigan State at Indiana

Looks like I'm finally going to have to face facts. This team is just not as good as I thought. Granted they are still one of the most talented teams in the country, but they just don't play well when it counts. This loss puts them at 2-4 on the road in Big Ten play. and one of those wins was a completely worthless Northwestern team. They don't play well on the road, they don't play a full 40 minutes, key players disappear for huge stretches or even fail to show up for an entire game... the list goes on. This is without a doubt, the biggest mess of a 20-5 team I've ever seen in my life. They have no momentum, no fire, no drive. They were able to get Indiana on their heels early, but they got complacent and let them rally back into it to completely nullify an early eleven point lead. This may sound strange, but I don't even think this team is as good as last year's team. Last year's team was nowhere near as talented or deep, but they managed to play with a fire that I haven't seen since the 2005 NCAA Tournament. Behind this motivation and some great defense, they turned what should have been an NIT team at best into 9 seed that gave #1 seeded North Carolina all they could handle in the second round of the big dance. So why is a team that's deeper, more experienced and more talented failing to play as well? Your guess is as good as mine, but it's frustrating beyond belief. The only thing I can come up with is that this team thinks just being the most talented team on given night guarantees they will win. Even after a few humiliating losses, they still haven't figured out that YOU PLAY THE GAMES FOR A REASON. This Indiana program is a complete mess right now. But they put it all behind them on the court and came to play. This is exactly what the Spartans need to do turn this season around. I only hope they can use these backbreaking losses as motivation or an eyeopener that you can't just cruise at any point in the season or during a game. You have to ATTACK and GO FOR THE FUCKING KILL whether you're up 3 or 33. It's just depressing me to watch this team that's so talented, a team I had such I hopes for, go out on national television and drop the biggest fucking turd I ever seen in my life. I'm embarrassed to be a fan of this program right now because half the team didn't even FUCKING SHOW UP this game. Goran Suton: 0 points 1 rebound. Hey way to show up, buddy. Marquise Gray: 0 points, 2 rebounds. Solid game, big guy. Way to take advantage of Dj White not even playing in most of the game. Drew Naymick was the only big guy that didn't completely shit the fucking bed tonight. And of course I've saved the worst performance for last. Gee, remember in early January when Raymar Morgan scored 31 against Minnesota and was the front runner for Big Ten player of the year? Yeah, me neither. He's been shitting the bed on regular basis for the past month or so. Remember on Tuesday against Purdue where MSU was down one late with the ball and a chance to take the lead? What does Morgan do? Traveling, Purdue ball. They hit a 3 and put the game away. That's just a MENTALLY WEAK play. This whole team aside from maybe Neitzel or Naymick (both seniors) is unbelievably mentally weak. They make horrible decisions, turn the ball over and basically just look like shit in dressed in green uniforms. Half the time I just can't believe what I'm seeing. They completely lapse on defense half the time, stand around on offense and just get outhustled by teams that want it more. It's just ridiculous and I don't know how much more I can take.

This lost basically put a fork in any hopes of winning the regular season title (3 games back with only 6 left to play) so I guess it's just about tournament positioning at this point. Luckily the Spartans get to come home this week and play two below average teams at home (both teams they've already lost to!). If they lose to either Iowa or Penn State this week, I will run onto the court of the Breslin Center and TAKE A FUCKING SHIT. It'll be way less frustrating to watch than this goddamn team.

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